Current Vacancies

Please see all current vacancies listed below, if your interested in taking on a new & exciting role with Integral Security please feel free to apply with us on our APPLY NOW page.

Armed Security Officers

Area: Melbourne CBD

Avg Days Of Work: Monday - Friday 06:00-18:00

Avg Hours:30-50 FT/PT/CAS

Pay Scale: $29-$32 (PM,SAT,SUN & P/H RATES APPLY)

Pre-Requisite: SECURITY LICENSE & ARMED LICENSE ,Candidates will need to pass a psychological online exam paid for by Integral Security, a 2-day training course to show fitness for job role & also 1 day at the shooting range to ensure your competent.

Part Time Retail & Hospitality security officers

Area: Melbourne Suburbs: West/CBD/Sth East

Avg Days of Work: 24/7 Rotating Rosters

Avg Hours: 20-39 P/T

Pay Scale: $23.89-$65.58

Pre-Requisite: SECURITY LICENSE, punctuality, reliability customer service & report writing.


Area: All over Melbourne CBD & Surrounding Suburbs

Avg Hours: Varies

Pay Scale: $29.86-$65.30

Pre-Requisite: SECURITY LICENSE, Hardworking, Reliable & Punctuality